Barriers in the process of communication

Till now, we have seen what is meant by the process of communication. But how happens many times that even after taking care of every other detail some misunderstanding arises, then to eliminate this misunderstanding, we have to understand the most common Barrier in the process of communication, let us see that barriers of communication with examples and how to overcome it.


Barriers Of Communication Peocess

Communication Barrier


Communication Barrier refers to any interruption in the flow of communication when one side is not able to get the message conveyed by the other party accurately, clearly, and as intended.

Types of Communication Barriers


There are many barriers to communication which may occur at any stage of the communication process and this barrier interprets the entire flow of communication and result in the failure of interpersonal communication.


Physical Barrier


Physical barriers are a result of surround that is our physical environment. It arises due to time and distances between the senders and receiver, whether a climate, distribute in the medium of communication, workspace design nose, etc.


Language Barriers


This barrier often causes misunderstandings between the senders And receiver due to the various meanings of words and symbols used in the process of communication. It occurs when the sender and recipient have very limited language proficiency or do not have knowledge about the use of the words.


It takes place due to bad or unfamiliar expression during the process of

Communication, using technical terminology, unclarified assumption, faulty translate, use of words having multiple meanings, etc.


Organization Barrier 


Organization barriers refer to the disruption in the process of communication among members of organizations that are managers, supervisors, employees, directors, etc. These types of barriers occur due to inappropriate information transmission systems, lack of supervision, undefined role and responsibility, organization rules and policies, complex organization structure, etc.   


Personal barrier 


Personal barriers are the factor personal to the sender or recipient of the message like life experiences, emotions, behavior, attitude, etc. That stops a person from communication rationally this barrier arises out of lack of listening skill, selective attention or perception, lack of knowledge lack of vocabulary, and the unwillingness of the sender or recipient to communicate.


Psychological Barrier


Psychological barriers as the name suggested are the barriers related to the psychological state of a person that is an attitude, point of view, perception, emotion, opinion, status consciousness, etc.


It is also known as the emotional barrier it is caused by lack of attention, premature assumption, poor retention power, defensiveness, jellies, and anxiety.


Culture Barriers

When people from different regions are unable to communicate well due to different cultures, languages then that barrier is called a cultural barrier.


You might have noticed that when a person poses knowledge of different cultures he or she can communicate effectively and better than others with the people belonging to another culture due to differences in the culture of party to communication words and symbols may be understood in a different way as intended this causes miscommunication.


Technology Barrier 


Technology is helping people to communicate faster and better than before both within the organization and outside the organization technology barrier is specifically related to the medium of communication which should be latest and advance for an effective communication flow however both the party should be using the same technology to communicate effectively or else the communication whole be difficult it is caused by use of outdated or old software or technology excitability barrier, mode of communication i.e. online or offline, etc.


Gender Barrier 

There is a huge difference in the way men and women communicate that is a man usually talks in a logical and state forward way whereas women use both logic as well as their emotions when they talk.


Further women are more talkative in comparison to a man. And this offends create a disparity in the way they communicate and offend causes misunderstanding during the process of communication.


Overcoming Barriers to effective communication


There are sustain way which can help in overcoming the barriers to communication and thus it prevents confusion and misunderstanding to take place between the sender and recipient of the message.


Employee Orientation 


The new joining should be informed about the company’s plans, policy, procedure, and authority relation during the process of orientation and in this way, misunderstanding can be avoided to a great extent.


Developing good interpersonal relations 


Good interpersonal relationships should be developed and maintained in the organization which help in completing a goal for this purpose status differences should be shelled suggestions and valid criticism should be appreciated.


Active Listening 


Active listening is key to effective communication it implies paying full attention and showing interest to what is being said and giving the speaker proper time and opportunity to state its viewpoint and not prematurely assuming anything.

Use of Proper Language and Dialect


The language barrier can be avoided by communicating in such language which is straight forward, simple to understand, and meaning full as well the sender should avoid the use of technical jargon and also talk in a dialect that is familiar to the receiver.


Use of Proper Body language and gesture


You might have heard the saying that action indeed speak launderer and clearer than words and so proper body language and gesture are to be used well communicating the message otherwise it may late to communication failure.


Use Of latest technology 

To minimize the distribution during the communication process you should use the latest technology which not only makes communication better but faster also. 


Feedback is the most important part of communication process communication is said to be meaning full effect when the feedback is received at the end of the process and as it was expected.


1. We learn what the barriers of communication are.

2. What are the main types of Barriers of communication?

3. How to overcome Barriers of communication.

3. Now it's easy to you for find what are barrier of communication and improve your communication skill. 



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